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Get SMART About Your Goals

by Christene

Do you ever find yourself working hard, always busy, but not really getting closer to your big dreams? That’s frustrating, isn’t it? The thing is, effort alone isn’t always enough. You need direction, a plan! That’s where SMART goals come in.

SMART goals are like a roadmap for your success. They help you stay focused on what truly matters, track your progress and make adjustments along the way. Think of them as your personal GPS for achievement!

Breaking Down SMART Goals

So, what does SMART stand for? Let’s break it down:

  • S – Specific: It’s time to ditch those vague dreams and get ultra-clear on what you want.
  • M – Measurable: Numbers, milestones, and tracking will keep you motivated.
  • A – Achievable: Let’s be ambitious but also realistic.
  • R – Relevant: Make sure your goals tie into your bigger picture.
  • T – Time-Bound: Deadlines create a sense of urgency and keep you on track.

Let’s explore each of these in more detail.

S – Specific

Generic goals like “get organized” or “improve my finances” are a recipe for, well…not much change. Why? Because they’re too fuzzy! To make a goal truly actionable, it needs to be crystal clear.

  • Example: Instead of “get fit,” a specific SMART goal could be “run a 10K race in 4 months” or “lose 15 pounds by my birthday.”

Why being specific matters:

  • Clarity = Focus: You know exactly what you’re working towards.
  • Easier to Plan: “Run a 10K” means you need a training plan, not just vague gym visits.
  • Higher chance of success: Specific goals are less open to interpretation, making them easier to achieve.

M – Measurable

How will you know if you’re making progress? That’s where measurability comes in. Think numbers, percentages, or concrete milestones. This is what makes a goal truly trackable.

  • Example: Instead of “read more books,” a measurable goal would be “read 2 books per month” or “finish reading ‘War and Peace’ by August 1st.”

The Power of Measurability

  1. Motivation: Seeing your progress in tangible terms keeps you pumped!
  2. Course Correction: If you’re not hitting your targets, you know it’s time to adjust your strategy.
  3. Celebration! Hitting those milestones deserves a mini-celebration along the way.

It’s important to find a way to measure your goals that works for you. Some ways to track progress include:

  • Apps: There are tons of goal-tracking apps out there!
  • Journals: The old-fashioned way, but it can be super effective.
  • Checklists: Sometimes, just ticking off boxes is satisfying.
  • Calendar: Mark important deadlines and milestones right on your calendar.

A – Achievable

It’s awesome to have big dreams, but remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day! Setting goals that are too far out of reach can be discouraging. Aim high, but also be realistic.

  • Example: If you’ve never worked out a day in your life, setting a goal to run a marathon next month is probably setting yourself up for failure. It’s more achievable – and motivating – to start with a goal of walking 30 minutes a day.

Here’s how to balance ambition with achievability:

  • Break it down: Big goals can be broken into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Start small: Success breeds success. Achieving smaller goals builds confidence for tackling larger ones.
  • Consider your resources: Do you have the time, money, knowledge, or support needed to reach your goal?
  • Be honest with yourself: If you’re stretched thin already, scaling back a goal might be necessary.

A Note on Stretch Goals

It’s totally okay to have a few “stretch goals” – those big, audacious dreams that might feel a little out of reach at the moment. The key is to balance them with achievable goals that boost your confidence and move you forward.

R – Relevant

Goals that tie into your overall life purpose or passions are way more likely to stick. Why? Because they matter deeply to YOU.

  • Example: Saving for a down payment on a house might feel more exciting than saving for a generic “rainy day fund.” That house represents a dream you deeply care about.

How to make sure your goals are relevant:

  • Ask yourself “why?” Why does this goal matter to me? How does it align with my values and big dreams?
  • Vision board time! Images that represent your ideal future can help you tap into goals that truly ignite your passion.
  • Check your gut: Does working towards this goal make you feel excited or kind of “meh?”

Beware of external pressures

Sometimes we chase goals because we think we “should”: to impress others, to fit in. These goals are rarely sustainable. Focus on what truly lights a fire inside of YOU.

T – Time-Bound

Deadlines are your friend! Having a specific timeframe for your goals does several things:

  • Creates Urgency: Open-ended goals tend to drift. Deadlines keep you focused.
  • Prevents Procrastination: “Someday” turns into “do it by Thursday!”
  • Trackable Progress: You can measure your progress against a clear deadline.
  • Motivation Boost: Knowing you have a finish line in sight is motivating!

Example: Instead of “save for a vacation,” try “save $2,000 for a trip to Hawaii by December.”

Setting realistic deadlines

Not sure how long something should take? Here are some tips:

  • Research: See if you can find benchmarks (e.g., typical training time for a 5k race).
  • Ask an expert: If the goal involves a skill, talk to someone who’s done it before.
  • Break it down: How long will each mini-step take within the larger goal?
  • Be a little ruthless: It’s okay to set deadlines that push you slightly outside your comfort zone.

Turning Your Dreams into SMART Goals

Alright, you’ve got the theory down. But how do you actually translate your big dreams into well-defined SMART goals? Here’s a step-by-step approach:

1. The Brainstorm Phase

  • Grab a notebook or open a document: Forget limits – this is about getting ideas down!
  • Ask open-ended questions: “What do I want to accomplish in the next year? In 5 years? If I had unlimited resources, what would I do?”
  • All areas of life: Include career, health, relationships, finances, hobbies, anything that matters to you.

2. Refine with SMART

Now it’s time to take your big list of dreams and get them SMART-ified:

  • Go item by item: Does each goal meet the SMART criteria we discussed?
  • Rewrite as needed: “Learn to code” becomes “Complete an online coding bootcamp by November 30th.”
  • Be ruthless: Some goals might be too vague or not truly important to you. That’s okay, they can be saved for later or cut entirely.

Example: A SMART Goal Makeover

See how much more focused and actionable that becomes?

Overcoming Common SMART Goal Obstacles

You’ve got your goals set, you’re feeling motivated…and then life happens. Here’s how to handle some of the most common goal-busting challenges:

1. Procrastination

  • Break it down…way down: Huge tasks feel overwhelming. Instead, focus on tiny, bite-sized steps. Instead of “clean the garage,” your first step might be “spend 15 minutes decluttering the tool bench.”
  • The 5-minute rule: If a task takes less than 5 minutes, do it NOW. No excuses!
  • Time-blocking: Schedule blocks of time specifically for working on your goals.

2. Lack of Motivation

  • Rewards, rewards, rewards: Even small ones! Finish a tough report? Treat yourself to your favorite takeout.
  • Accountability buddies: Find someone who will check in with you about your goals.
  • Visualize success: Take some time to imagine how amazing it will feel to achieve your goal.

3. Unexpected Setbacks

  • Flexibility is key: Life throws curveballs. Adjust your plan, don’t give up entirely.
  • Detour, not a dead end: Maybe you can’t save as quickly for that vacation due to a car repair. Can you push the trip back a few months instead of abandoning it completely?
  • Lessons Learned: What did you learn from the setback? How can you prevent similar issues in the future?

SMART Goals in Action


  • Specific: Instead of “get a better job,” try “Secure a marketing manager position by the end of the year.”
  • Measurable: “Increase website traffic by 20% within 6 months.”
  • Achievable: “Complete a project management certificate course within 3 months.”
  • Relevant: “Land a job in a company that aligns with my values of environmental sustainability.”
  • Time-Bound: “Successfully negotiate a 10% salary increase during my next performance review.”

Health & Fitness

  • Specific: “Run a half-marathon without stopping to walk.”
  • Measurable: “Lose 10 pounds in 2 months.”
  • Achievable: “Attend yoga class 3 times a week for one month.”
  • Relevant: “Improve my flexibility to reduce chronic back pain.”
  • Time-Bound: “Complete a Couch to 5K training program by August 1st.”

Personal Development

  • Specific: “Learn conversational Spanish.”
  • Measurable: “Pass a basic Spanish proficiency test within 6 months.”
  • Achievable: “Complete 2 lessons per week on my language learning app.”
  • Relevant: “Communicate better with my Spanish-speaking relatives.”
  • Time-Bound: “Attend a Spanish immersion weekend workshop in the fall.”


  • Specific: “Save $5,000 for a house downpayment.”
  • Measurable: “Pay off $3,000 of credit card debt.”
  • Achievable: “Increase my monthly savings rate by 10%.”
  • Relevant: “Achieve financial freedom to travel more.”
  • Time-Bound: “Have $1,000 in an emergency fund by the end of the summer.”

Additional Tips for SMART Goal Success

  • Write them DOWN: The act of writing makes goals feel more real. Post them somewhere visible!
  • Progress tracking: Use a method that works for you – a journal, app, visual chart, whatever keeps you inspired.
  • Celebrate the wins: Acknowledge even small milestones – it’s fuel for your motivation!
  • Re-evaluate regularly: Life changes, and so can your goals. Check in on your goals quarterly to make any needed adjustments.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Coaches, mentors, and supportive friends can make a huge difference.

Think of SMART goals as your personalized guide to success. They give your efforts direction and purpose.

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